Friday, September 16, 2005


Changes. Lots of big changes going down at our house. Some history. My dad person's CDH and migraines were so bad he went our on disability for a year. It was hard on him not to work. Things seemed to get a little better and he was determined to try and work again. So about six months ago he took a job doing what he used to do, working with computers.

Well things have not gone well. The last three months or so he has just gotten worse and now it is to the point that he just can't go into an office 8 to 5, five days a week. The pain and fatigue are eating him up. He comes home exhausted and has to nap most days. Plus he is having to go in late some and call in sick other days just to deal with it. Can't do that for the long run.

He asked the company if he could work from home 2 or 3 days a week since he can do what he does just as easily from home as at the office. They said no. Go figure. Well he can't keep on so he has given notice at his job. He is going to do some contract work from home. My mom person may have to go to work part time as well. We will see what happens.

I have tried to think of some ways I can help and earn some money. I figure that I am so good looking that I can get a job on one of those dog food commercials selling Kibbles and Bits or something. Or maybe be an actor and they can make a movie called Pirate the Great and it can be about a dog that saves the world from an evil cat! Picking out a leading lady should be fun and I would have my own trailer on the set. Yeah that's it! I can get my brother person to film it. He likes making movies. Got to go start working on the script.


Jessica said...

Pirate, I feel so badly for your dad person. I am really praying for him. I'm glad that he has you to look out for him and comfort him. Sometimes, Pirate, a hug and a lick mean everything.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the film! And if all else fails, I can wear an eye patch and dance in the street with a hat.

I love you; I thought about you a lot today.

Anonymous said...

Pirate, check out our newly released self-help documentary, Life and Migraine, (there is a doggie in it too). Maybe your dad person would like to see it. He can read the review by Kerrie at The Daily Headache before he decides. Take good care of your dad person!